Horse Food: The Best Types of Feed for Your Equine Friend


Do you have a horse? If so, you know that horse food is essential for keeping your equine friend healthy. However, there are many different types of feed on the market, so it can be difficult to decide which particular one is best for your horse. This blog post will discuss three different types of feed available and help you decide which one is right for your horse. Read on to find out more.


When it comes to feeding horses, there are a variety of options to choose from. One popular option is pellets. Pellets are a type of compressed hay that is easy to store and measure. They are also more nutritionally dense than loose hay, making them a good choice for horses that are working hard or recovering from an injury. In addition, pellets can be fortified with vitamins and minerals, making them an ideal way to ensure that your horse gets all the nutrients they need. However, pellets can be more expensive than other types of horse food, and some horses may not find them as palatable as other options. As a result, it is important to talk to your veterinarian or a qualified equine nutritionist before making the switch to pellets.


Grain is a horse feed made from cereal grains like corn, oats, barley and wheat. Grain fees are typically given to horses that are working hard or competing in races, as they provide a quick source of energy. However, grain should be fed in moderation alongside other types of food as it can cause digestive problems. When choosing a grain feed for your horse, always look for a product that is high in quality and free from any artificial additives.

Fresh Vegetables

When it comes to feeding horses, there are a variety of options available. One popular choice is fresh vegetables. Vegetables can provide horses with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of fibre, which can help horses maintain a healthy digestive system. Some good options include carrots, celery and spinach. However, it is essential to make sure that the vegetables are properly washed before feeding them to horses. Otherwise, they could contain harmful bacteria or parasites.

Feeding your horse the right type of food is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. For more info and advice about horse food, speak to your local vet clinic today. 


20 June 2022

Anthony's Agricultural Blog

I was so happy when I finally escaped the city and built my new life on the farm. For many years, I had worked as a lawyer in the city of Perth. While the work was interesting, the hours were long and I hated being trapped in the big city. I remember how as a child, my father would take me out into the countryside. I decided I was going to quit my job and make a fresh start. I was so excited. However, I got a real shock when I arrived on the farm and I realised I didn't have a clue about farming. Thankfully, over the past 6 months, my neighbours have begun to teach me everything I need to know about the world of arigculture. I decided to start this blog to help others who plan to move out of the big city.