Using Fertiliser On Your Garden: 3 Factors Which You Need to Consider


If you have decided to use garden fertilisers on your plants, it is important that you are aware of the risk of leaf burn. Leaf burn occurs when too much fertiliser is applied to a plant which causes the leaves to dry out and shrivel up. The damage to the leaves can damage a plant's abilities to grow. Below is a guide to 3 factors you should consider if you want to avoid leaf burn.

The local weather conditions

The prevailing weather conditions in your local area can also increase the risk of leaf burn. If your land is experiencing drought conditions or if the soil is just very dry, this could affect how the fertiliser is absorbed into the ground. In dry soil, the fertiliser will tend to concentrate in a relatively small area which can lead to some plants receiving too much and other plants too little. The plants that get a massive hit of fertiliser will develop leaf burn while the ones that receive too little may not flower or grow as planned.

The type of fertiliser you are using

You need to consider the action that the fertiliser will have when it is applied to the ground. The fertiliser you use will either be fast action or slow release. As the names suggest, these fertilisers differ in how quickly they are absorbed into the soil and the root of the plants. Leaf burn is more likely to occur if you use a fast action fertiliser as the plant may be overwhelmed by the rapid absorption of the minerals and nutrients. A slow release fertiliser will help to minimise the risk of damage to the plants in your garden.

The type of plants you are working with

Different plants, different nutrition needs. While some plants require high levels of nitrates, others require less. Plants also require different amounts of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Before you add fertiliser to the soil, you should carefully calculate the amount you need to use to promote optimal growth. If you are in any doubt, you should always err on the side of caution and use less fertiliser rather than more.

If you would like to find out more about the steps you can take to minimise the risk of leaf burn, you should contact your local agricultural and garden supply company. A staff member will be happy to discuss your current set up before recommending the best type of fertiliser for your needs.


26 March 2018

Anthony's Agricultural Blog

I was so happy when I finally escaped the city and built my new life on the farm. For many years, I had worked as a lawyer in the city of Perth. While the work was interesting, the hours were long and I hated being trapped in the big city. I remember how as a child, my father would take me out into the countryside. I decided I was going to quit my job and make a fresh start. I was so excited. However, I got a real shock when I arrived on the farm and I realised I didn't have a clue about farming. Thankfully, over the past 6 months, my neighbours have begun to teach me everything I need to know about the world of arigculture. I decided to start this blog to help others who plan to move out of the big city.